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Change the World.Founders & Directors
Shannon Falkenstein
"Our bright, curious, active children were so bored in conventional school. They wanted to build, create, explore and become independent. Many parents wanted the same thing: for their children to be the protagonists of their lives. So, I started meeting up with other parents to envision something new. Then God showed me Acton Academy, we applied, and were one of the first locations in the world (now there are more than 350!). We have never looked back. Our children are thriving, happy and living their own hero's journeys."
- Shannon Casey Falkenstein is the co-founder and director of K-12 programs at Acton Academy El Salvador, the first alternative school to be founded in El Salvador.
- Shannon is also the host of "The New Schools" podcast, which explores innovative models of education around the world.
- Shannon is the Founder of the membership group Expats in El Salvador, serving more than 10K expatriates from around the world.
Shannon earned her B.S. in Human Biology and Anthropology from Emory University, her M.A. in Secondary Science Education from NYU and her Montessori Guide certification from North American Montessori Center.
Carmen Castro-Dárdano
- Carmen Castro-Dárdano is the co-founder and director of Montessori at Acton Academy El Salvador, the first alternative school to be founded in El Salvador.
- Carmen has more than 20 years of Montessori classroom experience and served as the academic coordinator of Mi Casita Montessori for 10 years.
- Carmen is also the founder of "Montessori en Línea," which provides online Montessori training and support in Spanish.
- Contributor and Facilitator of Maite Vallet's "Leolandia".
She studied Early Childhood Education and Psychology at the University of Central America (UCA) in El Salvador and has her Montessori Guide certification from North American Montessori Center in Canada. Carmen is fully certified as a Montessori School Adminstator by the Associacion Montessori Internationale (AMI).
David Falkenstein
“I learned more from working with my grandfather on projects, than from conventional school. As an entrepreneur, I believe project-based learning is much more effective than content learning and memorization.”
- David Falkenstein is the managing and founding partner of Cadejo Brewing Company, the first craft brewery of El Salvador and the first brewery of any kind to establish itself in the country in over 100 years.
- David previously co-founded a financial research sales firm in New York, New York in 2002; a venture whose operations he moved to his home country of El Salvador in 2008.
- Before that, he worked as a technologist for 7 years at IBM Consulting Group in the United States.
- Member of the 10th Class of "CALI," the Central American Leadership Initiative.
David earned a degree in electrical engineering from Cornell University in 1995.
Acton Guides
Victoria Conde
Master Guide — Agora and Launchpad Studios
“When I first started learning about the Montessori philosophy, I was instantly fascinated because it promotes independence and a passion for self-learning👏. I love the environment of love, respect and security that is cultivated.”
- Victoria started with us as an assistant Guide in Infant Community, and quickly demonstrated her innate respect for and connection with children, and her remarkable work ethic. She then moved up to be our Lead Guide in Infant Community (1-3 year olds). For 2022-2023, Vic took on the challenge of becoming our Discovery Studio Guide (3rd-5th grade), and this year she is Guiding our oldest Eagles in Middle and High School.
- She has worked as a preschool Teacher's Assistant and as a private tutor for primary and secondary aged children. Vic is earning her Montessori Guide certification through AMI courses and is studying to be a certified Acton Academy Guide.
- Victoria is studying for a Bachelor and Teaching Degree in Initial and Early Childhood Education at the Evangelical University of El Salvador.
- She’s earning her Montessori Guide certification through AMI courses and is studying to be a certified Acton Academy Guide.
Gabriela Pineda Bicard
Discovery Studio Guide
Gaby is a positive, kind and caring Guide who embodies the growth mindset and the Hero's Journey, and has the entrepreneurial spirit that is such an important pillar of an Acton education.
- She also has her own small business designing and selling women's clothing.
- While completing her Bachelor's degree in Communications in Austin, Texas, Gaby worked for 5 years at a Pre-K school.
- She returned to El Salvador and worked from 2015-2022 at the American College as Head of Faculty, Head of Social Outreach and then was promoted to Academic Sub Director.
- Gaby taught community college level English Composition and Public Speaking at the American College.
Cristina Fuentes
Lead Montessori Guide in Spark Studio
Cristina Fuentes comenzó a trabajar en Acton Academy El Salvador en junio de 2022, como Co-Guía del Estudio de Spark Studio (Taller I). A ella le apasiona trabajar y enseñar a los niños, disfrutando al máximo, cada momento con ellos.
Para Cristina la filosofía Montessori representa, además de una experiencia laboral, una experiencia de vida. Lo que más aprecia Cristina de esta filosofía es el ambiente preparado, el cual le transmite mucha paz y armonía. Ella piensa que una de las virtudes más importantes de un educador debe ser sembrar valores, sabiduría, amor y curiosidad en cada niño.
- Cristina tiene 13 años de experiencia en la enseñanza de la filosofía Montessori, con el nivel Montessori de Casa de Niños (3-6 años) y el nivel de Taller (7-9 años). Para ambos niveles Cristina ha recibido el entrenamiento Montessori, impartido por Lillian Moncada-Davidson, a través de la Fundación Hilda Rothschild. Adicionalmente, ella es una Guía Montessori del nivel de Casa de niños (3-6 años), certificada por la Universidad San Miguel Arcángel de Honduras y Montessori de Honduras.
- Actualmente está estudiando la licenciatura en Educación Básica, para 1° y 2° grado, en la Universidad Pedagógica de El Salvador.
- Currently working on her Montessori Guide certification with North American Montessori Center.
David Franco
Spark Studio Apprentice Acton Guide, English and Music Teacher
David is a goal-oriented guide who is motivated to do all he can in order to help the people around him have the proper tools, resources and inspiration needed to grow and learn.
- David has over 10+ years of experience in the music field, as a musician and music teacher, running and directing multiple music academies throughout his work with schools and institutions. Recently, he has also started his own entrepreneurial journey with Rhytmos SV, offering both in-person and online music classes.
- David has also served as a teacher of English as a Second Language (ESL) in a variety of educational settings and age levels for more than 8 years.
Montessori Guides
Xiomara Peña Coto
Children's House Lead Guide
"Disfruto trabajar con niños y es por eso que desde que doy terapia los niños han sido mi inspiración; siempre he creído que la educación es el arma más poderosa. Entonces, cuando conocí Acton Academy El Salvador, me encantó la total autonomía que se fomenta en los niños, observar como cada niño es capaz de desarrollar sus propias habilidades y destrezas por sí mismo y junto con los demás, respetando su libertad y fomentando la independencia en todo momento. Para mí eso es fantástico."
Xiomara inició en el 2018 inicie mi camino en Acton como Guía de Infant Community y actualmente trabaja como Guía Líder de Children House. A Xiomy apasionan los niños y su desarrollo. Cuando conoció el método Montessori, se enamoró.
- Xiomy es Fisioterapeuta y Terapeuta ocupacional, posea maestría en Dirección Estratégica de Recursos Humanos de la Universidad Miguel de Cervantes de España y ha recibido el diplomado de la Ley de Protección Integral de la niñez y adolescencia (LEPINA).
- También tomo cursos sobre primeros auxilios otorgado por Comandos de Salvamentos de El Salvador, y el curso avanzado de Lengua de señas Salvadoreña (LESSA).
Icela Fuentes
Infant Community Co-Guide
“ Siempre he creído que el respeto y el amor son la base fundamental para una buena educación. Lo mejor de esta experiencia en Acton es que puedo disfrutar cada momento con los niños y puedo aprender todos los días algo nuevo, pues con ellos nunca se deja de aprender.” Icela comenzó a trabajar en Acton Academy El Salvador en octubre de 2022, como Co-Guía del Estudio de Children's House.
Icela es una persona que disfruta mucho trabajando con los niños, considerándose a sí misma como un medio para que los niños se desenvuelvan y aprendan con fluidez, confianza, respeto y amor.
- Actualmente Icela está formándose como Guía Montessori del nivel de Casa de Niños (3-6 años), en el Diplomado Montessori impartido por el Montessori de Honduras y la Universidad San Miguel Arcángel de Honduras.
Roxana Ramos
Children's House Co-Guide
“Me enamoré de la filosofía Montessori porque pienso que les permite a los niños desarrollarse en un ambiente óptimo, a su propio ritmo, en armonía con la naturaleza, y esto considero que es muy significativo para el desarrollo de las habilidades y destrezas de cada uno." Roxi comenzó a trabajar en Acton Academy El Salvador en octubre de 2022, como Co-Guía del Estudio de Infant Community.
- Roxi estudió la Licenciatura en Educación Inicial y Temprana, en la Universidad Pedagógica de El Salvador.
- En marzo de 2023 recibió su Diploma Certificado - Montessori Training de 0 a 3 años, impartido por Casita Montessori Nubes de España, avalado por el International Montessori Institute.
- Ha realizado el Diplomado - Curso Básico de Primeros Auxilios, impartido por Protección Civil de El Salvador.
- Roxi disfruta mucho aprendiendo y capacitándose cada vez más. Actualmente está estudiando un curso de francés en la Universidad Pedagógica de El Salvador.
Isabel Menjivar
Infant Community Lead Guide
Isabel comenzó a trabajar en Acton Academy El Salvador en diciembre de 2022, como Co-Guía del Estudio de Children´s House. Recientemente finalizó sus estudios de la licenciatura en Educación Inicial y Parvularia, en la Universidad Pedagógica de El Salvador.
Isabel disfruta cada momento de su trabajo con los niños, brindando nuevos aprendizajes, basados en la independencia y la confianza, y respetando siempre los intereses y necesidades de cada niño.
- Isabel tiene más de 10 años de experiencia en la enseñanza de la filosofía Montessori en los niveles de Comunidad Infantil (1-3 años) y Casa de Niños (3- 6 años).
- Para ambos niveles, ha recibido formación Montessori, impartida por Lillian Moncada-Davidson, a través de la fundación Hilda Rothschild.
School Staff
Diana Martinez
Admissions and Administration
Diana Martinez is an indispensable person who maintains excellent parent communications, tracks and reports our financial data, makes sure all of our processes run smoothly and never forgets a key detail! We truly could not exist without her!
Maria Mejía
Cleaning and Supplies
Mayra Mejía ensures that we have an orderly and prepared Montessori learning environment, and that the children, staff and plants have everything they need.
Lilian Avelar
Liliane is an experienced and talented chef who ensures that the Eagles and the staff have healthy, delicious meals and snacks each day.
Odilia Represa
Assistant Chef
Odilia ensures the kitchen runs smoothly, is organized and that the meals are prepared on time and served beautifully!
Karla Guerra
Laundress and Cleaner
In Montessori, we use real everything: real glass, real ceramic plates, real towels. To maintain an orderly, pristine and prepared environment, our staff must take exquisite care our these important materials. Karla provides a level of detail that is unsurpassed!
Our Advisors
Laura Sandefer
- Laura married Jeff Sandefer and is the happy mother of Sam and Charlie and step-mother to Taite. It is the inspiration of these children that led Laura and Jeff to co-found Acton Academy.
- Her greatest hero is her mother who was a Master Teacher.
- Her wisest mentor is her father who sent her off to college with two words of advice: "Be curious".
- Studied at Vanderbilt University the College of Arts and Science.
- Earned the Walter Wattles Fellowship award at Lloyd’s of London.
- Earned her Master of Education at Peabody College (Nashville).
- Worked at the Oklahoma Arts Institute, creating fine arts education programs for teachers and talented high school students.
Jeff Sandefer
- Jeff Sandefer lives a dual life as an entrepreneur and a Socratic Guide. As an entrepreneur, he founded his first company at age 16 and went on to found or co-found seven successful businesses.
- As a Socratic teacher at the University of Texas, Jeff's students five times voted him the school's Outstanding Teacher and Businessweek named him one of the top Entrepeneurship professors in America.
- Jeff went on to co-found the Acton School of Business, an MBA program perennially ranked by the Princeton Review among the best in the nation.
- In 2012 The Economist honored him as one of the top fifteen Business School professors in the world.
Jeff is a graduate of the Harvard Business School, where he served for over twenty years on the school's governing committees. He was a longtime director of the Philanthropy Roundtable and National Review magazine and one of the youngest members ever elected to the Texas Business Hall of Fame.
"We believe that enabling our children to lead their best lives means that schooling has to be transformed for the 21st century. When we discovered the freedom of an Acton Academy educational model, with its roots in Montessori, defined by self-paced learning, offering the opportunity for students to discover their most precious gifts, and to develop the character of a real hero, we became determined to make Acton Academy El Salvador a reality not only for our children, but for yours too."
Shannon Falkenstein & Carmen Castro-Dárdano